Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Person Who Inspired My Life Essay Example for Free

The Person Who Inspired My Life Essay â€Å"The strongest influences in my life and my work are always whomever I love. Whomever I love and am with most of the time, or whomever I remember most vividly. I think that’s true, don’t you?† (Tennessee Williams). I pondered this question for some time until I realised that the answer to this is in front of me. Every family has people who influence the lives of the other family members. Often the father’s or mother’s influence is the most important. However, in my family my brother has influenced me the most because I enjoy his company, I respect him, and I can rely on him for good advice. He has all qualities of a good friend and by good friend I mean one that is understanding, but not too sympathetic. My brother will take up for me, but is not afraid to tell me when I am wrong. He is good person to know because he enjoys having fun. He is always up for hiking, fishing, swimming or even road tripping. He also enjoys going to the theatre and when I double date with him he is the one who keeps us laughing at what he says. I respect my brother because he is true to his principles and I have high esteem for his set of values. He had to work his way through university when he could have chosen the easiest way by staying at home. This inspired me to do the same and gave me the strength to pull it off. I hope that I can remain true to my values as my brother has. No matter what happens I know I can rely on his judgement. For instance, when I was getting a lot of pressure from someone and I couldn’t talk to my parents about it, he was the one who listened to my side of the story without an instant condemnation. He never over-reacted to the problem without understanding it. Instead, he listened to my problem, asked me questions and helped me see the way to the solution. I feel like I can always rely on his advices. Although I love and respect my family, I am especially close to my brother. He is enjoyable company and has earned my respect. I know I can rely on him no matter the situation is.

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