Thursday, September 19, 2019

Solutions to preventing the spread of global warming and its affects Es

â€Å"The American flag has gone through changes over time; those changes have made an impact on our country and made it what it is today.† Our earth is like the American flag, it is constantly changing, and one issue that affects our earth is global warming. We now live in an industrialized world which is filled with many new technologies that provide goods and services to us, provide us with energy and electricity and transportation. These new technological advances have made our lives much easier to live with. These technologies include things such as: factories, power plants, automobiles, etc†¦ this has made the human population very dependent and accustomed to all of these technological advances. The use of technology requires the energy of fossil fuels to keep it running. By using fossil fuel energy we are releasing harmful green-house gases into our atmosphere, we are slowly bringing forth climate changes and environmental issues to our society. To respond to thes e global warming issues, we must promote awareness and educate people in our society and let them know that humans influence the environment around them. We must also educate people to find better technological advances that will improve global and environmental issues, by doing so we will drastically alter the environment around us in a more positive way. Many years ago, society thought that the threat of global warming would never arise during our life time expectancies as well as our children’s generation. Recently global warming is being recognized and accepted by experts from the scientific community as well as public society. Global warming is caused by the over use of fossil fuel materials. Richard A. Kerr, author and reporter for Science Magazine, believes that ... Sides: Clashing Views on Global Issues 7thed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2012: 130-134. Print. Kerr, Richard A., â€Å"Globalization Warming Is Changing the World.† Science. 316(2007): 188-190. JSTOR.Web. 4 Feb 2014 Solomon Barry D. et al., â€Å"Global Warming.†Science.247(1990): 620. JSTOR.Web. 4 Feb 2014 Monastersky R., â€Å"EPA Offers Options to Slow Global Warming.† Science News. 135(1989): 183. JSTOR.Web. 4 Feb 2014 â€Å"The Rising Cost of Natural Hazards : Feature Articles. â€Å" The Rising Cost of Natural Hazards : Feature Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014 Than , Ker. â€Å"Scientist: Natural Disaster Becoming More Common.† LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Oct. 2005. Web. 20 Apr. 2014 Malakoff, David. â€Å"Global Warming Is Not a Crisis† NPR. NPR, 22 Mar. 2007. Web. 22 Apr. 2014 Shah, Anup. â€Å"Climate Change and Global Warming.† – Global Issues. N.p., 19 Jan. 2014. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.

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