Monday, September 9, 2019

Itroduction and rationale Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Itroduction and rationale - Research Paper Example She has six honorary Doctoral Degrees (Johnson & Webber, 2010). Apart from her acquaintances in the University of Colorado, Jean Watson is a member of American Academy of Nursing. Additionally, she is the president of the National League of Nursing. The most significant career if her elongated research in the area of human science and human caring. This point of her career created the profile of Jean Watson. Across the nursing field Jean Watson is widely known for her expertise in human caring and science. Her contribution in this field led to her publishing of the Jean Watson’s theory on human care. The theory is known as the caring theory which was published in 1988 (Johnson & Webber, 2010). The theory was published in the journal of human science and human care. The rationale of choosing the theory In the selection of the theory and theorists, this particular theory is rare in the field of nursing. Few scholars have made progress in coming up with satisfactory detailed publ ication on human care. According to Johnson & Webber (2010) human care is a neglected field in the medical field. The author further argues that human care is one delicate field that explains the existence of numerous medical relationships between patients and their medical practitioners. Human care is also an inclusion of other modes of medication apart from the ordinary medical care (Hiott, 2010). Human care theory is a grand range theory. The Caring Theory While creating the theory, Watson had in mind the motive to capture the medical essence of not a pat3eint but the human environment of the patient. To be able to achieve this, she included family care and support in the theory and highlighting how important family care is in regards to patient recovery. In words by Johnson & Webber (2010) the caring theory creates and emphasizes on the humanistic aspects of nursing but also with the consideration of scientific knowledge. The general motive of the caring theory is improving the medical and social relationship between patients and nurses. The theory by Watson gives duty to nurses as follows: Create a healthy relationship with the patients. Approach patients with a positive motive Promote health through intervention and medical knowledge Spend significant amount of time with the patients Accept the condition and the patient regardless of their status. Treat patient like innocent and holy creatures Have a positive stature in mind, body and spirit when approaching patients Instill hope and faith in patients Assistance in the acquiring of the basic needs In words by Hiott (2010) the mood of a nurse in a room is responsible for the perception of a patient towards the environment. It may be bright, dull, small, threatening or secure. The author further explains that these provisions of the caring theory give so much authority to nurses to make patients comfortable in the medical institution setting. The theory is based on four concepts: human being, health, envir onment or society and nursing Johnson & Webber (2010). Human being refers to the patients in need of care and medical attention. Health refers to the medical condition of the patient the type of medication the patient is in need of. The environment refers to the provisions of the WHO regarding proper handling and state of medical institutions Johnson & Webber (2010). Nursing is concerned with provision of healthcare and taking care of the patient. Classification of the theory In the creation of

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